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Tamper Evident Seals

Luggage Seal is designed to provide a tamper evident security seal for travelling bags and luggage. It comes with double serial numbers as an added security feature.

It is quick and easy way to secure your personal belongings and your peace of mind as they instantly alert you if your luggage has been tampered with.



  • Allows passengers to identify whether luggage has been tampered with during transit
  • Provide user the verification of their belonging
  • Provides a high level of security


Luggage Seal BA02

PriceFrom S$4.00

    We work closely in partnership with manufacturers and customers  to provide advice and solutions to packaging and shipping needs.

    BJC Enterprises

    UEN: 53051846E

    3016 Bedok North Ave 4 #08-08 Eastech,

    Singapore 489947   Tel: +65 64480564


    Local Delivery Charge:

    Based on purchase amount

    • $1.00-$30.00 local courier $3.00

    • Above $30.00 Free local courier.

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